Practice Your Craft Now, While No One Is Looking

Early in our career we get a special opportunity to get better at our craft when no one is looking. We should use this time to understand what we’re naturally good at and what we need to improve. Then take intentional steps to work on these things so we’re ready to take the big swings.

The Art Of Product Storytelling

How do we communicate the value of our product to prospective users? As Product Managers, it's easy for us to sell our solution. Resist that urge because, in reality, nobody cares about what we've built. Instead - we need to communicate how our product truly solves user problems.

Coding An Atom Feed Optimized For Feedly

Looking to optimize your blog's feed for Feedly? It's not difficult, but there are some specific things you can do to get the best results. This article will show you how to validate your feed, add Webfeeds metadata, and includes a Jekyll Atom feed template to get you started.

Building Product With Ground Rules

In Product Management, there are times when setting ground rules can help keep a project's direction focused. Even on personal projects, they can be invaluable. This is a real-world example of how I used seven ground rules to select the tools and services used on this site.

It Was Time For Me To Write

It started at a dinner with a friend, when he asked me what was next for me professionally. I didn't have an answer, the more I thought about it - something dawned on me. I wanted to help coach people who wanted to learn about Product Management and I wanted to give back.

How You Know You're Doing Product Management The Right Way

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15 Things Nobody Told You About Product Management

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All You Need To Know About Product Management

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5 Common Myths About Product Management

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Five New Thoughts About Product Management That Will Turn Your World Upside Down

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Enhance Your Product Management Skills During Your Lunch Break

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